Truyện cười La Hill - Truyện số 34

Ngày gửi bài: 07/08/2012
Số lượt đọc: 5081


Mrs Peters had two children. Sammy was seven years old, and his sister Annie was four. Sammy went to school, but Annie did not. When Sammy was at home, he often played with Annie while their mother was cooking or washing or cleaning, and he was usually very nice to his small sisster, and Mrs Peters was free to do her work quietly.

One Saturday morning, the two children were playing in the garden while their mother was cooking the lunch. They were quite happy until Annie suddenly began to cry and ran into the kitchen to her mother.

Mrs Petes stopped cooking and said, "Why are you crying, Annie?"

"Sammy's broken my toy horse", Annie answered, crying more loudly.

"How did he break it?" her mother asked.

Annie stopped crying, but did not answer for a few seconds. Then she said, "I hit him o­n the head with it".


Bà Peters có hai con. Sammy 7 tuổi và em gái nó, Annie 4 tuổi, Sammy đã đi học, còn Annie thì chưa. Lúc ở nhà Sammy thường chơi đùa với Annie khi mẹ chúng nấu ăn hay giặt giũ hoặc lau chùi và cậu thường rất nhường nhịn đứa em gái bé nhỏ của mình, còn bà Peters được tự do làm công việc của mình một cách yên tĩnh.

Một buổi sáng thứ 7, trong khi mẹ nấu bữa trưa hai đứa trẻ chơi ở trong vườn. Chúng rất vui vẻ. Đột nhiên Annie khóc oà lên chạy vào bếp với mẹ.

Bà Peters đang nấu ăn dừng tay lại hỏi: "Tại sao con khóc thế, Annie?"

"Anh Sammy làm gẫy con bọ ngựa đồ chơi của con". Annie trả lời rồi khóc to hơn.

"Anh ấy làm gẫy như thế nào?", mẹ bé hỏi.

Annie thôi không khóc nữa, nhưng cũng không trả lời gì. Đoạn bé nói: "Con lấy nó đánh vào đầu anh ấy ạ".

C. Bài tập


1. Sammy was seven years old.

2. Annie was three years old.

3. Sammy went to school, but Annie did not.

4. Sammy was nice to his sister.

5. Sammy broke Annie's horse.

6. Annie hit Sammy with her toy.


1. What did Sammy do when he was at home?

2. Why was Mrs Peters usually free to do her work quietly when he was at home?

3. What were the children doing while she was cooking the lunch?

4. What did Mrs Peters say to Annie?

5. What did Annie answer?

6. What did Mrs Peters ask then?

7. And what was Annie's answer?


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